Care, Learn, Open Your Mind to What God is Doing
It's easy to get tunnel vision, selfish vision. Fight that tendency in a practical and very simple way - come learn from the Chetti's in worship this week. Daniel and Sarah Chetti are our missionaries to Lebanon. They will be with us this week, January 18th, in worship at Cedar Hills Baptist. Daniel is a wonderful speaker with an up-close and fascinating perspective of the situation in the Middle East. His ministry directly involves relationships with people of Islamic faith, and he has an understanding of Palestinian issues and the many challenges to peace in the Holy Land. How does a Baptist seminary respond to the needs of Christians in the Arab world? What can we do to support peace? How do we pray for peace and for believers and unbelievers in the Middle East? These and other questions (yours) will be explored on Sunday - don't miss it!
We'll have two opportunities to learn from Daniel and Sarah - in worship at 10:30 AM and then at a question and answer "Share a Dish" lunch following worship in the Fellowship Hall.
To prepare for our time with the Chetti's, check out info about the Chetti's and the nation where they serve - Lebanon.
Go HERE for a BBC country profile on Lebanon.
Go HERE for the Chetti's online International Ministry page with lots of info about them.
Go HERE for "Link TV" News broadcast from the Middle East - from both Israel and Palestinian sources.
Here's a map of Israel with the Gaza Strip at the bottom and a bit of Lebanon with Beirut at the top. Click on it to enlarge.

- Curtis