So this weekend I'll be in the Cascades near Burnt Lake with about 12-14 men, sons, and perhaps a daughter or two on a backpacking adventure! Everett Curry, a friend and mentor, graciously offered to preach this Sunday. Here's what he says about the passage - a truly Great Scripture, by the way - worth the read below. Thanks Everett!
August 23 Message Title: "What's In Your Hand?"
Why is it we argue when God calls us to a task? Whether a leadership role
or putting a specific gift to work...we have all the reasons NOT to do what
God is asking.
We'll examine responses to God from Moses and Pharaoh. They are
amazingly parallel.
The Sermon text is from Exodus 3-4
Also read this amazing translation of Psalm 78
Psalm 78:23-29
When we were starving for affection, God found us friends.
Their cupboards fed us; we gained courage from their company.
We could not have asked for more, if we were little
lower than angels.
When we were mired in our own misery, God set our feet
on firm ground;
when self-defeating thoughts entangled us, God dusted
the cobwebs from our minds;
when we were frozen with fears, God warmed us in loving arms.
Like northern marshes opening icy ponds to the summer
sun, we respond to God's goodness.
God has restored us to life.
Once we were slaves, but God has set us free.
Freedom is an attitude; we can take it with us, wherever we are.
What more could we ask for?
From: Everyday Psalms
paraphrased by Jim Taylor